Undergraduate Programmes (SSSDP) - Year 1 Entry
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Local applicants with current / past HKDSE result can apply SSSDP Undergraduate programmes (Year 1 entry) through JUPAS.
Programmes offered by SFU:
- [JSSA01] Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) (Part of the intake quota would be for Applied Degree Places) Note 1,2
- [JSSA02] Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment TechnologyNote 1,2
- [JSSA03] Bachelor of Science (Honours) in PhysiotherapyNote 1,2
- [JSSA04] Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Artificial IntelligenceNote 1,2
- [JSSA05] Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Translation TechnologyNote 1,2
- [JSSA06] Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Applied Hotel and Tourism ManagementNote 1,2
General Admission Requirements
 Degree prog. Admission Requirement (DSE).png)
- Elective subjects (Category A) and Applied Learning (ApL) subjects (Category B) subjects are preferred.
- Having obtained a Level 2 or above in the Liberal Studies subject in previous HKDSE examinations can fulfil the requirement of "Attained" for the Citizenship and Social Development subject.
- Mathematics extended module (M1/M2) could be considered as an independent elective course.
- "Attained", "Attained with Distinction (I)", and "Attained with Distinction (II)" in Applied Learning (ApL) subjects (Category B) are considered to be equivalent to Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 in HKDSE subjects respectively. A maximum of 2 Applied Learning (ApL) subjects will be taken into consideration.
Programme Specific Requirements
In addition to the General Entrance Requirements, applicants must satisfy the following entrance requirements specific to their chosen programme(s).
[JSSA01] Bachelor of Nursing (Honours)

- For local applicants with current and/or past HKDSE examination results (including sub-degree holders / potential graduates), please apply through JUPAS.
- Part of the intake quota of this programme would be for Applied Degree Places. Sub-degree holders / potential graduates are eligible to apply for Applied Degree Places with Advanced Standing.
- Applied Learning subjects are not considered.
- Local non-JUPAS applicants will be admitted via direct admission of no more than 30% of the subsidized places of the programme.
[JSSA03] Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy

- Preference will be given to applicants who have obtained: Level 4 or above in English Language AND Level 3 or above in Biology / Physics / Combined Science (Biology and Physics).
- Applied Learning subjects are not considered.
[JSSA06] Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Applied Hotel and Tourism Management
Mature Applicants
- Aged 21 or above on 1 September of the year when admission is sought; AND
- With three years of relevant working experience in Hotel, Tourism, and/or Hospitality related industry.
Alternative qualifications in Chinese Language requirement for local Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) applicants
For Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students fulfilling the specified circumstances below, our University accepts alternative qualifications in Chinese Language as meeting the Chinese Language requirement for Undergraduate and Sub-degree admission.
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The specified circumstances are:
1. The student has learned Chinese Language for less than six years while receiving primary and secondary education.
2. The student has learned Chinese Language for six years or more in schools, but has been taught an adapted and simpler Chinese Language curriculum not normally applicable to the majority of students in our local schools.
2024-25 JUPAS Admission Score
The score is calculated according to the converted points for HKDSE Category A (Core and Elective subjects) and Category B (Applied Learning subjects).
 JUPAS Admission Score.png)
* Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) & Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy calculate the score attained in Category A subjects only.
Score Conversion Scale
1. Local applicants with current and/or past HKDSE examination results should apply for the programmes via JUPAS. In addition, local applicants with locally accredited or overseas qualifications other than HKDSE Examination results should apply for the programmes via our Admission Portal (https://c-apply.sfu.edu.hk/).
2. Local non-JUPAS applicants will be admitted via direct admission of no more than 20% of the subsidized places of the programme (30% for Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) programme).
3. Shortlisted applicants will receive individual notifications regarding interview details from either the Registry or the Academic departments. The notifications will be sent through various electronic means (e.g. email, SMS, and phone (typically using phone numbers starting with 3702 or 3653). Applicants are advised to attend the interviews as scheduled since re-arrangement may not be feasible. Failure to attend the scheduled interview may result in their applications not being considered further.
4. Saint Francis University reserves the right to exercise the final decision-making authority. We reserve the discretion to cancel any program or make revisions to program contents, if deemed necessary, without prior notice.