The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment Technology program builds on a basic training in computing/information sciences and design, which are both useful skills for many jobs.

Developed with meeting the needs of the industry in mind, the BScDET is one-of-a-kind program devoted to nurturing well-rounded professionals that are career-ready in our ever evolving digital age. The curriculum provides students with the necessary skills, knowledge and opportunity to widen their exposure in the fields of technical programming as well as visual and graphics design, both of which are crucial in their becoming a successful digital product specialist.

Programme Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment Technology*
School/ Department School of Computing and Information Sciences
Programme Code BSDET
Duration and Mode of Study 4-year full-time programme
Medium of Instruction English
Exchange student program Optional
Internship Optional
Qualification Frameworks QF Level: 5
QR Registration No.: 20/000381/L5
Registration Validity Period: 01/09/2020 – 31/03/2027
Others There are subsidized places under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP) in the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment. A subsidy of HK$44,950 will be provided to each eligible student in 2023/24 academic year. Applicants are required to apply for admission to the SSSDP programme via JUPAS (JUPAS Code: JSSA02)
Contact Us  5269 3846 (By phone/WhatsApp)
*"Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment" is renamed "Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment Technology" in the 2020/21 academic year.

Why BScDET at Caritas? 

JUPAS degree program: BSc in Digital Entertainment Technology
with Catholic values
is taught by caring staff with diverse expertise and passion,
with 2 IEEE Fellows,
PhD from:
HKU, CUHK, TsingHua, Imperial College London, Waterloo, Maryland, New Castle,
IT industry experience in
ATT Bell Labs, Huawei USA, IETF standards, 5G Wireless.
DET combining Information Technology (IT), Design, Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc.
is useful to many professions, with many dream job options, in a rewarding career.

The Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Digital Entertainment Technology program builds on a basic training in computing/information sciences and design, which are both useful skills for many jobs.

Developed with meeting the needs of the industry in mind, the BScDET is one-of-a-kind program devoted to nurturing well-rounded professionals that are career-ready in our ever evolving digital age. The curriculum provides students with the necessary skills, knowledge and opportunity to widen their exposure in the fields of technical programming as well as visual and graphics design, both of which are crucial in their becoming a successful digital product specialist.

Why Catholic values in science and technology? 

The gifts of human intelligence have enabled many innovations and tools in IT, AI, and design that continues to improve and affect human lives tremendously. Yet these powerful tools may also be misused such as in addiction, in pornography, in the culture of death, and in fierce competitions to prosper at the expense of defeating others. Authentic Catholic teaching encourages to live out Christian faith of love, care and helping each other in the use of high-tech in one's profession in life in serving other people and the common good of the society.